For one reason or another, wrath is down. That means my page is down. You probably won't be reading this for a while now. But, oh well. Things happen. No big deal.

The entire reason I'm writeing this file, is that I just can't sleep. I've spent the last three hours laying down with my eyes closed. Wishing for sleep, but to no avail. Heh, and tommorow I have a 16 hour drive to look forwared too. That's probably one of the reasons I'm restless. I haven't driven that long in a while. I can't wait for it.

This weeked I have to be in MN, for a family ruinian (I can't spell). That should prove to be entertaining to say the least. Two days of 'fun', too bad I had to take time off for it. I'm gonna miss that bit on my check.

Speaking of that, my new notebook hasn't shown up yet. I realy don't know what to do. I've also been pondering getting a powerbook. Something with a NIC built in. As long as it's PPC, I'm happy. I only say that, due to PPC being a hell of a lot better than 68k. Also, most the software I have is compiled for PPC.

The iBook is so tempting, so nice. But, the price kina scares me a bit. While I could afford one, would it realy be worth all that cost? Maby, they are realy sexy.

Well, time for me to wander off for some much needed rest. Talk to you again.