What is crack?

It's cocane in crystal form.

It's just a bad idea. I personaly don't approve of hard drugs in any mannor. They damage the mind, soul and body. It's a slow and dangerous form of suicide. It would be much more humane to just blow your brains out. That way others don't have to watch you slowly destroy yourself. Watch, unable to help. Causing them more pain that you can even begin to imagine.

It causes a mess that you can't even begin to imagine till you've seen it. More than once helps, gives you something to compare with.

In a suburb not far away thier was a boy named nemo. One fatefull day he was introduced to pot. A pretty light drug in contrast to some of the others. It was so innocent. Smoke up once in a while, have a ball. But before long once in a while turned into every couple days. Every couple of days turned into an every day routine. Come home from school get high. Then it got to the point that thier was only high.

The process took several months. Nobody realy noticed since the change was pretty gradual, including his parents. Oh, they knew something had changed, but they just couldn't point a finger on it.

This went on, and nemo started getting bored of it, he wanted to get higher. Higher than high. Occasionaly getting harder drugs. Of course the pattern continued. Before long he was higher than high all the time. With nowhere else to go.

The drive to get higher than before became his only goal. Narry a thought to the conciquences. His grades droped, most of his friends had left him, and his family largely ignored him. It caused a great depression to come over him. The need to get higher was stronger than ever. He just wanted to forgit. He didn't want to think. Only the need to get high.

His goal could never truely be reached. It was never enough. He even over dosed several times in his quest. Sadly it did nothing to detur him. Till one day he finaly did it. An over dose that he didn't wake from.

After the fact everybody understood why he had changed, what he had become. Both sorrow and anger filled thier minds. Sorrow for thier loss, and anger for what he had become. Them being unable to be of aide. Totaly blind to the real situation.

Why do people do this? It happes over, and over again. I can't even begin to fathom the reason. Don't they care about anybody? Espicaly themselves?

But death is a nessasary part of life, everybody has to do it some time. But the way it happens could be a lot better than dying helpless in your own vomit/fecis/urine. Surrounded only by people who want you have rather than who you are.

What's the point? You can't help somebody untill they want to get better. Before then you only end up doing more damage. But sometimes that damage is less than what they would otherwise inflict on themsleves if allowd to continue in a self destructive path. Evil if used properly can do very good things.

Do you belive in god? Will you ever? Does it realy matter?

For me the answers are all no. It doesn't make sence.

Those questions are brought up due to my little brothers current path. While not self destructive exactly...it may as well be. He's now a very aarogent member of a cult. The largest cult in the world. He's a christian beliver...born again even. He spends way too much time trying to 'save' me. I keep telling him to hit :w ;) But seriously...it's realy annoying. The more he preaches the 'divine word' the more I think it's just a bunch of bunk. A form of mind control, used to brain. Causing them to give to the church, and thustly the people who realy run the show. Allowing those people to spend thier days snorting coke, and renting hoes (you knew I'd get to that part).

Any place that has a lot of people prasing a statue, or piece of wood is just wrong. What's at the focal point of every church? I wooden cross. And, or a few other various items. It goes aganst their own word. Thou shalt not worship idols. But they do it anyway. Because these rules don't apply to them...only the heathans they are trying to save (take money from).

Why go to all this trouble? Put up such a fisaud?

It's all part of thier brain washing. They convince you that you will be a better person if you give to the church. If you just give a little bit for the works of god (coke/hoes). All of this for the sake of somebody who apparently died on a piece of wood a couple thousand years ago. Insane.

Bar rush is about to hit, err, in 30 min or so it will. The real question comes down to weither I leave before then or not. Or, do I sit here and enjoy watching thier stupidity? The latter is the most likely outcome.

In the meantime I'm goint to explain why it's a bad idea to speed...

Maily it just gets expensive with tickets. But it realy doesn't save any real time. On a 50 KM commute if you go an extra ten KPH faster you only save about 1 minuite. If that. Is that small bit of time realy worth all the trouble? Worth the chance of a heafty fine? I say nay.

How many times have you had somebody that just had to pass you on the highway, then you get in town and thier directly in front of you at a red light. Did they realy gain anything at all? No.

I hope this deturs you from this activity.

Course, thier are times where it makes a diffrence. If your driving several thousand KM, the little bits add up. Makeing it actualy add up to something...though still not much. The other time, is when you drive much faster than the posted speed limit. Lets say double, or more. The results are very easy to determine at that point...course the risk of getting caught goes up exponentionaly.

Life is just end end to its self. Realy no point but to continue on the species. This goes for any species. Be it monkey, dog, amobia, or human. The genitc makeup of these diffrent animals is very similar. Something like a 5% diffrence total. Makes you feel just special, doesn't it?

One day, if everything goes right the 'grey goo' theroy will prove to be right. This new species will eventualy outnumber, and thustly push out every other spiecs. While being an almost perfect creature, is it's life realy worth living? Can it feel? Does it mind only having a 2 hour life span?

At the point when it takes over, will we even care? It's not like we'll be around to watch ;)

Being dead sounds pretty boring if you ask me. After you've hummed all the songs you know...what's left to do? Course imortality sounds pretty boring too. After you've tried everything...what's left to do? Maby kill everybody else? Heh, like who's going to stop you? Even if they lock you up...the cage will eventualy degrade due to rust/dry rot. More likely though your enemys will just die, and everybody else will forgit about you...allowing leasurely escape.

Of course this takes great pacence, but when you've got the rest of eternity...what's a couple thousand years? Just a drop in the bucket. Before long the milinea will pass in the blink of an eye. Eons, and eons will pass you by. Oh, you'll try to make it end at many points in time. Since thier would realy be nohing to live for. No friends and no family. Nobody to realy care about. You would become a social recluse, since everybody you get to know just ends up dying. Not wanting to deal with the pain you'd just not bother.

Of course you'd have this wierd facination with suicide in the first couple years. Having to prove to yourself that your realy imortal. You'd start simple, then move on to more drastic things. Ya know...jumping in front of cars, falling off tall buildings. Then as your need for proof got stronger, you'd shoot yourself. Let others shoot you, set youself on fire. Jump into the core of a nuclier reactor. Allow yourself to be crushed by the tectonic plates (this one takes a lot of pacence). All of this for the sake of entertainment/proof. Is thier realy a diffrence anyway?

This place is slowly filling up. Much less than I had first expected. Definitly a major bonus.

Give it up, give it up, give it up, jam.

Austin 3:16

What's this? Can somebody explain? Mail me. Some guy has it written on the back of his shirt. He looks like the kind of guy I'd prefer not to meet in a dark ally. Not that he's scarry looking, but just huge. I have this wierd fear of being crushed.

This place is now almost full. Only five tables left unused. Comeing up to a total of 24 chairs. Some pretty pointless shit. I plan on takeing off from here before long...after listening to a few .au files. 8 bit mono baby!