Today I got a digital camera. Sure it's only 1.3 megapixels, but that's more than enough for what I need it for. Yep, now on you will be able to get origional pr0n. What else would someone do with a digital camera but pr0n?

Oh, wait, that's just me. pr0n is important, right?

Well, seriously I'll probably just take pictures of boring things. Maby a little to spice things up. Nothingg all that crazy. Well, if I run into anyone holding me up with a gun, I'll be sure to get a picture of that. Danm that would be cool.

On that line of thought, I now have a stalker. I'm so proud! How many of you can say you are actualy important enough to have somebody bother stalking you? Thought not. Such a feeling of pride, I can not describe.

I must remember to trim my nails when I get home. They are long enough to make it difficult to type. Either that or I've not had enough caffene today. That's probably the case. Caffene is good for you, it lets you go with no sleep for long periods of time.

I must also remember to take pictures of the 'tree' Greg, Tate, John, Bill, and I spent about 3 hours makeing it look good. Hmm, maby not good. We put on a shitload of lights, and about 250 AOL CD's. It's a big tree...

I'll have those pictures posted sometime tommorow I think. Hmm, I don't work tommorow. Coolies.

The old mac at work (the only one we own that has a floppy drive) appears to be dead. Danmit all to hell! This means that we will have to but a new old assed mac. So it goes.

It's almost christmas. Know what that means? My pocketbook will be hollow soon. Many gifts for people. Stuff they don't need, and probably don't want. Maby I'll just give them autographed pictures of the king of no pants?

Hmm, that would be very funny.

Picture time!