Hear some people talking, and decide to offer my mind. The person was saying something interesting, but not quite right.

He told me to bugger off. Heh, I would assume he's not secure enough with his opinion to let others correct it. Some people are like that.

After listening for some time, I find that his information while interesting is flawed. Oh well.

This is not the point of this document. Well, maby it is. It's just been so long since I've done an update that I need to now. Hehe, you finally get an update!

Do you feel good? Feel special? You shouldn't. I do this for my own personal benefit, not yours. These people are annoying me to no end. Talking about things in my field. Haha!

"I'm not really interested in computers" - some guy

What's the point in that? Our society has moved to the information age, get with the show, or join the rest of the 3rd world nations.

Too late for that. We are going to leave a lot of people behind anyway. Oh well, no major loss. Hehe, the loss may actually be to our benefit. The lower class, lower level of people are required for us to keep out high status.

It's sick, but also the way things work. Deal with it.

People try to explain things, make up complex reasons why things happen. The world is ususaly far more simple. People do things out of need, greed, and desire. The difference between these is very little.

Why do you work? It's not so you can buy food. You could easily live off the government. You do it so you can buy useless crap in hopes of making yourself feel better. Not only that, but it lets you become better than your peers. That's the larger portion of the drive.

Country's do things for power, and money. That's it. They don't care about the people pas the taxes they collect. Sure they may treat them well (otherwise they leave). Far too simple.

History is the same. The groups who win wars write the history in the way they want it to be written. They modify the old history, or destroy it. This has happened for how ever long people have been around.

I think it's time for me to head off. I hope that KFAB is up tonight. The last several nights they have been down for repairs after midnight. That sucks.