Headed for a breakdown, he takes his chances. Knowing that it could happen anytime now. Went into a place full of people to be alone. It didn't work. He's never alone. Part of the curse. He can be in a sensory depravation chamber for days on end, and still not be alone. Voices are in his head. Many voices. Of his own doing. It's driving him mad.

What will it take for our superhero to get fixed? I don't know, and neither does he. The answer will show itself before long, if nothing else, he will snap.

But it may not happen for a while yet. Definitly not right now. At the moment, he's still in control. Maby only for a brief moment.

Many of the voices are not his. They are the thoughts from people around him. Those are the voices he so despratly wants to stop. Needs to stop. Thier must be a way. And, suicide is not an option. Even though he's tried it before, it's somehow unapealing to him. It won't solve his problem.

At best-buy, it was a madhouse. Everybody in a hurry, everybody wanting out. Everybody needing something. Quite often, something they can't afford. All of them raging in thier minds, raging of thier own desires. Our superhero hears it, he knows that the guy beside him can't afford the CD he's looking at. He also knows about how the guy plans on stealing it.

Our superhero does nothing, he just waits, and listens. He's actualy pretty useless as a superhero. Unless of course thier is such a thing as "crazy man". It's sad, but good at the same time. Watch and wait, it might happen. What are you waiting for boy! Continue on as if nothing happend. That's pretty normal.

Driving was makeing him insane. Too many voices, too much information. A sort of sensory overload. It has to stop, he can make it stop. Just doesn't know how to yet. All he can do, is quiet it. Even that doesn't help much when thiers too much. It's like listening to 50 conversations at once, if you try realy hard, you can pick out one. Listen to it, and understand it. But, it's a chore. It takes a lot of energy, and concentration. As does driving. This is where the problem comes in. Due to how hard our superhero was trying to not get himself, and others killed. Couldn't keep the voices down.

His own voices arn't a problem. He's quite usto them at this point. He likes them to a point. They give him advice, and companionship. They help him through life. But, they can only help. He has to live his life, not let them live it for him. It's hard.

It hurts to know that a friend is suffering. More often than not, it hurts more than suffering yourself. Since, you have to stand by, and watch. Especaly when it's something you can't do anything about.

In the end, it will all fit together into once pretty picture. Till then it's just a jumble of puzzle pieces on the floor. Piece by piece, he must fit them together. Not even knowing what the pictures going to look like.

It wouldn't bother him so much, if they actualy had something to say. But, it's rare when they do. Standard dialog goes on about "hurry up, please hurry up", or "I'm late, it's 5:03, and I had to be there at 5:00, move it, move!".

The other problem, is that everybody is in such a hurry. That's probably the worst part. That's why he's lasted so long. He's been staying away from large groups of people his entire life. Everytime he goes into a place with lots of people, it's not a pretty sight. He gets confused, disorientated, and nasious.

People are starting to notice. Starting to notice that something is wrong with him. He spends a bit too much time looking at people. Looking in a way that shows that he knows too much. Knows the person, but they have never seen him before. The weak ones don't notice it as much. It's mostly the average population. Being 80% of everybody out there, it's a major problem.

It has to come to an end eventualy, but for our superhero, the end is far from near. Even though he wishes it would be. Much more to do, many more things to see. Even though he doesn't think so, he is a superhero. Just not yet. One day, he will need to do some very heroic things. He will be able to handle them.

His theropy is helping. At least a little. If nothing else, it makes him feel better. Plus, it lets him share his pain. The entire world will know one day.

Not today, but soon, quite soon. He can't be this close to a breakdown and not have it happen. Everybody has seen things like this happen. Somebody just gets pissed off one time too many, or sees one thing too many. Suddenly they snap, ususaly taking many people with them in the process. Our superhero is diffrent. When he finaly snaps, it will be heard around the world. And, it won't be due to a great bloodbath. The reasons will remain hidden till then though.

By the time it happens, he will make sence. To others, and maby to himself. It's all part of the plan. We've spent a lot of time trying to make it work out right, and the pieces are just now starting to fit into place. He knows something is up, but has no idea of the full ramafacations. Neither do you.