There are just some outfits that you don't wear a bra with. Mostly topless halters. While you will lack the support that you ususaly get from your bra, it looks much better.

Espicaly when it's obvious that you haven't washed your bra in several weeks. Yes, it's true. People actualy do this sort of thing! How sad.

But then again life tends to suck, mostly because people are too lazy to make it not.

Like the girl sitting in front of me


But I try to ignore them, let them do whatever moronic things they desire as long as it doesn't directly cause me problems. It's the kind of thing I have to do since without them to feed off of, I'd have nothing.

They scare me in some ways. It's hard to determine what thier motives are, if they even have any. Call me sick, but people like that realy don't need to exist. They do nothing but consume.

Am I all that diffrent?

Don't need a modem to connect to your mind, no search engine to find you. I wana click a hyperlink into your heart!

I ran into an interesting group last time I was here. They spent most of thier time bragging about how much time they spent in jail, and where. What the hell!? That's not the sort of thing that I would consider to be bragging material.

But then again most people are idiots. Life goes on, kill a few lusers, and keep going.

No, you can't actualy do that.

I broke down and got a new set of hashi recently. They haven't shown up yet, but should be here soon. Very nice, two matched sets made out of solid jade. Yes, the stone. They will probably be a bit slipperly, but should last for quite some time.

The first set that I bought where a cheap 'hello kitty' set. Very cheap, and they only lasted a year or two. Then I moved onto some 'boushido senshi'. Those where even cheaper! As you can imagine one day they broke.

Now Ironicly it cost less for this very nice set that the other two combined. Though I do wonder why they where selling jade for so little. But then again it was from china. Haha!

This does mean that they are more of a chinese style, which means they will be kina long. But oh well. Now that I have a good job I can spend a little bit more to get good things. Things that will last longer than the el-cheapo crap I've used in the past.

At least they wern't korean, danm aluminum...

Then I picked up something else. The entire 'Video Girl Ai' series on VCD. Nice, and very cheap. Yes, cheap due to being bootlegs, pirate copies. I don't care as long as they play.

There is a bit of a story behind this. A couple months ago I bought 'Card Captor Sakura' movie, and it turned out to be a singapore bootleg. I emailed the guy selling the VGAI, and asked him about that. He laughed then noted that they where not singapore bootlegs, but rather Hong Kong bootlegs.

I feel special!

Is there much of a diffrence? Hell, when I get them I will make more bootleg copies yet. Yes!

Danm thief!

Oh, and I've sorta moved. Or am in the process of doing so. For two reasons, but I will only discuss one.


Nothing else needs to be said on that matter.

He just wants to download porn faster

I recently got a handgun permit. I feel very proud! Being able to get such a thing means that I haven't done anything that's all that bad. Otherwise they would not have let me have it.

Though I probably shouldn't have worn my shirt that has a picture of a girl sucking on a gun to fill out the paperwork. Hehe, oh well. They must have decided I was safe enough in the end.

I feel a strange denial.

Better off dead, a smile on the lips and a hole in the head. Ohh yah!

You are better than this, take it away because there is nothing to miss!

And he just got a handgun permit?