So, it's official now, Brian and dallis are in a relationship. I like Brian, but he tends to hang around a bit more than he should when dallis is working. It's really not a major issue, since he can answer questions I can't, but still. It's the whole idea behind it. Oh well, whatever happens, happens.

Eric is on a witch hunt. I'm not sure why, but he is. To make a long story short, the next person to maintain a connection to an outside computer without a really good reason gets shown the door. WTF? Probably people spending too much time on IRC or something. Hmm. Or, maby it has something to do with that ever-quest habit some of the guys have picked up? I really have no clue.

Either way, it's just annoying. Living in fear that this day may be my last. It's enough to drive a person insane. I'll just keep my nose out of what's going on, and try to ignore the extra stress this has added. I'll get through it.

Quite often, I question the logic of a user. Several times today this happened. It was evil, and vile. Just plain no fun. Somebody wants an account like jr23843. WTF? Makes them look like they are from alltell, and want a stupid username. They demanded a username like this. What the hell is wrong with these people. I would gladly give them johnr, or jronald. Heh, not that users really ever make that much sense.

Then their is this other guy with a shitty assed winmodem. He wonders why he can't get a stable connection. Fuck, it's a winmodem. Those are for lusers who are too stupid to buy a *REAL* modem. Did I ever mention that I hate internal modems? I do, quite a bit. The only thing they are good for, is target practice.

Another user installed some shit on her system that keeps it from connecting to the Internet. Then she expects us to fix it! It's her bloody fault. I don't think she gets it. Users suck.

Was I ever this bad? I sure hope not. If I ever get that bad, shoot me...please!

I finally got my new notebook. It's not bad. Snappy as hell. 20 megs of ram will do that to a linux box. They keyboard is a bit noisy, but that's ok. I'm still getting usto the location of the ~ key. It's on the other side of the space bar, but all the other keys are in the right places.

The only problems with it are the following. The keyboard is way up front. I'll just get usto that. The screen doesn't stretch right. So, in console I've got about 1.5 cm of wasted space on the top, and bottom. Then, the final thing that's the most annoying. The CMOS battery is dead. This requires me to boot off a floppy, and need to enter my HD type every time I boot. Or, more so, every time I cold boot. Quite annoying, but I'll live with it till I get a new battery.

The battery in it is not actually dead, it's just *REALY* low. It's supposto put out 3 volts, but instead it only puts out 1.5 volts. Not quite enough :(

My parents computers are fucked. A storm hit this weekend, and really messed them up. I really don't want to deal with it, but am required to. Oh well.

Great song playing currently. Metallica, One. That song just plain kicks some major ass. I wish they would turn it up a bit...

Nobody home, it's lonely. Oh well, I'll get usto that as well. I'll get usto almost anything given enough time. Most anybody will. It's just a matter of time, and just not really giving a shit that much. That mostly comes with time. I sound really redundant. Bite me.

Somebody threw a phone cable at me today, I think it was Steve. It's mine now :) The only reason I remember this, is when looking for my Ibuprofen, I found it. My notebook case has way too much shit in it. It's a wonder it even closes at all.

At least the pain is only on the left side of my head right now. But, if I don't take these pills, it will quickly spread. The last year or so this has been a chronic problem. I'm almost to the point of thinking I have mygrains, or something of that nature. It sucks. But, as long as I have a supply of Ibuprofen I'm good.

This screen is great. Only 2 dead pixels. Or, should I say stuck. One red, one green. And, they aren't like that all the time. Just sometimes. Harmless. But, it's just so clear. So sharp. So bueatifual. I love it. It looks like a real monitor, but without that annoying refresh. Sure beats the shit out of my old notebooks screen. Oh, and this one is color.

Active Matrix really is better than passive. I usto be a big bigot over passive matrix color due to battery life. But, now I wouldn't go back. Thie difference is just that big. Granted, if you need the battery life, go passive. That's still not bad to look at. But, if your like me, and spend 14+ hours a day looking at your screen, active is the only way.

Rarely do I actually run off of battery power anyway. Really no point. At home I've got an outlet, and at work I have one as well. Actually, I don't even know how good the battery in this new notebook is. Maby I'll figure it out one of these days.

I'm getting my hostname changed at work. New notebook, new hostname. It's going to be, long story. Don't ask. But it's going to be cool. One of these days I'll get around to installing apache. That will rock. Now that I have enough memory to run the thing anyway.

Must be a metallica marathon tonnite. This is like the 5th song by them recently. 'nothing else matters'. Good song as well.

Shit is still broke at work. We are down a T1, and is having hella problems. Fuck that, the whole Internet is having hella problems. It may get better soon, or it may just belly up, and die. Hmm, if it just dies, I'll need to look for a new line of work. Too bad I really don't have much in the way of *real* job skills. At least other than sitting in front of a computer, and making magic happen.

Give me an old, dead computer, and I'll make it useful again. It's just that easy. You don't need the biggest, and the best to get things done. You just need to use them right. Hell, an old 8086 is still useful, if you use the right software one it. If memory serves, minix will run just fine on it. It's unix, what more could you ask for?

Yes, unix, a real mans OS. Fuck windows, it sucks.

Note that I'm not dogging MacOS. That rocks, but mostly due to it's very unix like structure. Deep inside, the way it *really* works is very unix like. And, it's got a really cute interface to boot.

The left side of my jaw seems to be having problems as of late. It locks up from time to time, causing a great wave of pain to run through my skull. Hmm, maby I just need more calcium in my diet.

Oddly enough, milk is really a pretty poor source of calcium. The only reason it's hyped up to be, is to help the diary farmers make money. And, their are some of us who just can't drink the shit without getting sick. More of us with this problem than you would imagine. About the only people who can properly process the shit are white people. Hehe...America ;) It's a smelly pile of cow dung.

It's like every moron in the world has a computer now. And, they have all decided to bother me! It sucks.

I like the hr tag, have you noticed? I'm even becoming quite fond of 'sup' as well. It's just cool to be able to do this 122, and have it come out right.

I bought another Intel. What the hell is wrong with me? Other than the fact that they are cheap...

I'm going to hit 8k before I leave. 8k, that comes to 8192 bytes. Or, to somebody who doesn't know what a byte is, 8192 letters. Sorta. 'return', or 'enter' is a letter. Sometimes two. Some systems put a linefeed, then a carage return. Some just put a linefeed. Real computers just put a linefeed. (unix, Macintosh). Dos systems use the linefeed/cr. Pretty pointless waste of a byte. But, it was made by micro$oft what else would you expect?

Then, most systems use a special character to say 'ok, this is the end of the file.'. It depends on the system, as they are all different. Also, it depends on what program you are using to save the text with.

Also, a note that the space used by a file is ususaly shown wrong. A file that only contains the word 'foo' can take up as much as 32k (or more). It depends on how your disk is allocated. Unix does it the most efficiently. MacOS tends to do it badly. Dos...that's not much better.

Since your file requires it's own bit of space on the disk, as to not be mixed up with other files it gets its own space. This tends to cause a *LOT* of wasted space. Especaly when you have a lot of tiny files. On a unix system, you can actually set how big your 'clusters' are. Anywhere from 8k to 1k. Personally I like 4k. It's not bad, and good use of the space. The smaller your clusters are, the more space is taken up in the header of the disk. Or, the bitmap for how the disk is layed out. It's really quite complicated, and I don't want to get into it fully. Their are way too many disk formats, and not enough time.

Then comes one of the inherent problems with the FAT file system. What's used by DOS, and windows. You can only have 64 files in the root directory. Say, for example c:\. Note that a directory takes up one of these entry's as well.

When micro$oft added long filename support, they did a really Cappy job. The way it *REALY* works, is the extra stuff past the 8.3 is saved in other files in the same directory. Using the flags +vh. Yes, v. You can't do that any other way without a good hex editor. It's a bitch, since they use them by default. c:\Program Files. Or, as I like to call it c:\progra~1. Since at the low level, windows doesn't really care about the long filenames. It just deals with the short versions.

Also, dos is case insensitive. README.TXT is the same as readme.txt. This makes no sense. It lulls the user into thinking that the computer doesn't differenchate between a B, and a b. They are totally different. Any rational person would know this. But, dos doesn't seem to care. Note of interest. You can make the directory listings in dos display mixed case filenames. But it requires the use of a hex editor that can edit raw partitions. If you have one, play with it. If you don't, get one, and fuck up your hard drive.

Windows is case insensitive as well. This adds to a *LOT* of confusion. Since it lets you actually specify the case you want a filename to have. How strange.

Then, you will note that windows lets a filename appear to use 256 characters. Do you have any idea how many directory entry's that uses up?! It's insane! Let alone it really doesn't give a good way to display it anyway. Anything past about 32 characters get truncated, unless selected. Not too useful for everyday work. Heh, god forbid somebody creates a file with a name that long in c:\. That would cause all sorts of fun problems to occur ;)

MacOS deals with filenames much more gracefully, but not perfectly. It's also case insensitive. But, it only allows you up to 32 characters in a filename. It also doesn't truncate them. But, the major bonus, is they are real filenames. Not this windows fake shit.

Their are even some utility's for unix that let you store data in filenames. It uses much less quota space, but will drive your sysadmin crazy. 'Why do you have 65386 files in your home directory!?' 'Umm, I dunno man'. Hehe!

Notebook keyboards rock for vim. The esc key isn't stuck way in the corner, left out from all it's friends. It's right beside the F1 key, and just above the 1 key. Right where it belongs. Esc is important. Most people don't understand the full love it can give.

If you don't use vim now, do so. You must use vim. It's the best. You can get it here. What else can you ask in life? A good keyboard, and vim. Maby I'll get stuck on the back of my truck. I love it that much.

Oh, something else I forgot to mention, but ment to about 6k ago. I got a new anime yesterday. Daisy "don't leave me alone". Great anime. Quite cheesy, but still very cool. It's your basic romantic comedy, mixed in with a guy who has a pet missile, and a teacher that shoots lasers our of her eyes. 'Lasers out of her eyes, lasers out of her eyes...'.

This guy falls in love with this girl, and she really doesn't like him. He gets her anyway. By force. Quite entertaining for a guy like me who happens to really get off on power trips.

The people sitting behind me really don't make any sense. They are discussing who would win in a fight. Aunt Jemima, or Mrs. Butterworth. Then they bring in the jolly green giant, and the keebler elves. WTF? I'm sure they are either high, drunk, or stupid. Most likely stupid. Then the conversation moves to some girl who gives them food, and has big boobs. Hmm, one of their moms? Hehe!

Lazy bastards. Both on probation for one reason or another. I don't understand that. Once should be enough for anybody. Not to mention the fact that they are in summer school due to flunking out the rest of the year. Yesh! Some people don't care to learn. I have never understood that.

I'm at 13k. A bit more than I expected to hit before I finished, but that's cool. No big deal. I don't have to work till 1500 tommorow. Life is good. I'll go home, watch daisy again, and sleep on the floor.

Sleeping on the floor teaches humility. It also makes you appricate when you actually get to sleep in a bed. Kina like me using old, Cappy hardware. It makes me really appreciate every little bit of it. It's all mine, and I really care about it. Unlike jonny public who has a brand new 600mhz computer and then decides it's a little too slow. Gets one that's 700mhz, and throws the old one away. Fuck that. I'm happy with my 50mhz notebook. It's plenty snappy. How much speed does one really need?

Fat people should not wear tight clothing. Their should be a law against it. It just looks really gross. Big old tits threatening to fall out of her halter top, and her ass highly compressed to get into that spandex skirt. YARG!

Ok, I'm finally going home. You've had enough of my raning, right?