Half an hour till anyone shows up, so I sit here waiting. What else would I do but pull my laptop out and write? Hmm, I could stand around like an idiot, but that would be insane. Not my trip.

So, I'm sitting in a bar with my laptop. Getting look that are far stranger than I ususaly get. Hmm, within moments I get asked "What the hell are you doing!". Heh, I find it funny.

To think what I'm doing is odd. Hmm, it is odd. Sitting here with a piece of hardware that's worth more than about six months worth of most of these peoples income. I get a kick out of that. Rubbing it in thier faces.

They are playing disco. Disco, disco, disco! Fuck man, we were ment to forgit the seventys! Not relive them forever. Hmm, some people will just never learn I guess. They need to play more eightys rock. Much better. I'm talking twisted sister, and dead milkmen. Real music, back when men didn't dress like girls. Hmm, no that's not right. Back when men where real men, wemon where real wemon, and you didn't even have to know how to play to play in a band.

Heh, though disco is better than the current crop of music. Most of it is just total crap.

Now we move on to some sappy country. Yuck. Oh well, on the rare occasion they play something worth listening to. I really don't care all that much for being here in the first place. Tonnite is diffrent though.

I'm here mostly due to adam leaving, kina a going away party I assume. Hmm, that's what it seems like anyway. Danm I'm going to miss him. I'll have to take the oracle's advice on this matter though. I've been his lackey for the last eight months or so. The oracle says I need to make someone my lackey now. Sounds like a plan. Currently working on it.

Moving up in status is a good thing, heh. It needed to happen sooner or later. I've never had a lackey before! This will surely be quite the experience. So it goes...