In this issue, I'm going to talk about a few odd things. Here's a nice list for you.

IE and the mac

Serving websites off my mac

The stupid FTP program I have

Random drivel

IE and the mac

For some strange reason, IE 4.51 for MacOS doesn't load HTML files properly off the local drives unless they start with the TITLE tag. It's beyond me as to why this is. But it's going to be realy annoying. Since my gfiles Ususaly don't have a title. I never realy saw the point of putting it in. From now on I will be though so I can debug in a normal fassion...IE check for broken links, or formating errors that I might have otherwise missed.

Also, on a related note, IE runs a *LOT* faster on this mac than netscape does. That's just kina wierd due to microsoft having realy bloated code, and netscape being a good product.

Serving websites off my mac

In a few easy steps, I was able to set up the 'person web server' extentions on this system. It works pretty well, but has a few bugs. The services refuse to start unless I'm connected to the internet. I don't have an IP till I connect to the internet. I should default to for localhost. But that doesn't even seem to work unless connected to the netwrok. Hmm, just had an idea how to fix it. Maby if I set TCP/IP to be active all the time instead of only when needed? I'll try it later.

As of right now, if you track down my box it's got the newest version of my website on it. Though with the slow 14.4 modem I have it will be quite annoying. But if your an avid reader of my site you won't mind :)

The stupid FTP program I have

It's realy nice, when I connect up to a server, it shows up just like any other folder in finder. But here's the catch. When I copy to or from I have to set the type of transfer. It's got an autodetect option, but it's broken. Ususaly this isn't a problem, but when I was grabbing my source for this page it was nasty. I was forced to manualy selcect all the HTML files, and get them. Then switch to binary transfers and get the images. One of these days I may even register the beast :)

Random Drivel

I read an article in PC magazine yesterday about internet security. The guy who wrote it doesn't seem to understand a thing. He comments that we should outlaw hacker tools. What he doesn't realize is that ISP's use them also to secure thier own sites. It would be like banning guns, and keeping them away from the police also. The criminals would still find a way to get access to some, and then have complete power.

Then we come down to another clueless moron in that magazine. He commented that the internet was just a desolite whole of realy nothing fun before e-comerce came about. He's very wrong. I remember before the net became the .com's playground. Shure it was slower, shure it wasn't as pretty. But it had one thing. Content I thing that the net sorely lacks today. Drives me nuts I tell ya.

Not much else to say at this time, but in the next issue I'll talk about something realy inportant. So, next time...