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Sitting here, using a prgoram Ive never really used before I begin my quest for the perfect text editor for a mac. Its very dependint on what I want to do. For viewing files, I like vim, for editing, Im not sure yet.

BBEdit is nice, small, and fast. But AppleWorks has things like spellcheck that are quite nice. Its also pretty small, only using about 2.5 megs of ram. Pretty tight for all it does, it also runs quite fast. Granted just about anything runs fast on this notebook ;)

As of late I have been using my iBook to play mp3s while I drive. Heh, a very nice thing about having a notebook that can play mp3s. Thats true power!

Well, maby not the truest of powers, but still a very nice one. Heh, and on another note, its now storytime. Grab some hot coco, and a warm blanket.

In prayr

He knelt at the alter for what seemed like hours. His wife had just passed away in freak plane crash. Asking God for answers he has become rather tired. Hes been praying for the last week, everything else in his life has become a mess. He lost his job, and is about to louse his appartment.

The conversation is far too one sided for him, he wants more. The pastor has no words to calm him. Driven to a rage, he storms out of the curch, arms flaying.

Deciding that got must hate him, since hes not answering he retracts his membership with the church, and practices takeing the lords name in vain. The first few trys do sound a bit funny. God fucking Jesus!, he was trying to cram them in a bit too tightly. Not that it didnt make an interesting mental picture for the person he was talking to.

The next day he decided to get his life back together, but aim for a new direction. He had heard tell of this cult downtown. They do all sorts of cool things like huge orgys, bringing the dead back to life, and even the occasional virgin sacrifice. He wanted to be a part of this sicne it was a direct defiance from his previous god.

Cults tend to be a bit seclusive, and hard to get ahold of. This didnt stop John, proving that if you really want something it shows itself. It all happend in a phone booth. Some guy who he thinks is a member using the phone, and John walking by. As you can imagine John notices this, and takes advantavge of the situation. Removing the .44 magnum from his left breast pocket he approces the booth.

I want to talk to the leader! screams John.

Who the fuck are you!

Jesus fucking Mary, just help me out, hes still got some things to learn about swearing.

Fine, just put that gun away before you draw too much attention.

John was then given a slip of paper with an address on it. Aft\er a bit of thought, he realizes that its on the old part of town. The part of town that nobody in thier right mind would ever get near even with a SWAT team escort.

Not having a car, he hops on a bus to get there. After getting off on several of the wrong stops, he decides to just walk. Better anyway, nobody trying to steal his hair piece. He hates that. The no longer living wifes parrot usto do it all the time. That was another thing he did shortly after getting the gun. Testing it on the bird. He was amazed how much blood is in one of those things. No big deal, the maid will clean it up. That is if she doesnt quit after seeing the bloody mess of bird on the couch.

Hehe, Im lost of where to go now. Next time Ill actaly do it right. Create a plot line first, then fill in the rest with story.


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