I've really sucked at adding new content to my page as of late. Maby it's a personal crisis of sorts? It's so out of the norm for me. Oh well, here is another file to make you happy.

What is happy? I think it's the lack of being at unrest. Being able to sit back, and take pleasure in some great task you have just accomplished. Or, somebody else has done. Spending hours, and hours tweaking a bit of code, and finaly getting it right. That's happy.

I spend most of my time being bored. Joy is rarely felt. If I'm not bored, I'm annoyed. Mostly at the stupidy of someone. Users. They piss me off. I can hardly fathom how they even manage to breed. Or, at least with the level of inteligence that most of them portray.

Maby one day the internet will ceace to be 'cool', and they will leave me alone. Granted I would be out of a job, but I wouldn't have to tell them basic things over and over again. "You have to connect before you try to open a page." "You have a shit modem, buy a new one." "No, I won't help you find porn." "I'm so not giving you my home phone number."... These are just some of the normal questions I get at work.

Why do I bother?



It's been a very long day. Very low call traffic. People spend thier weekends outside, in the real world. Too bad thier loss. Thier is little out there that intrests me. It's boring, and you have to actually walk. Physical exertion sucks. The benifit from it, is that you get better at it. Thustly inclning you to do more. It's a self repeating cycle.

Not to say that the one I'm in is much diffrent. You get good at using a computer, so you learn more about it. You get better, and are driven to learn more. People start asking you questions, and you need to get better to answer them. The cycle continues till you hit a certan point. Then, you just can't talk tonormal people anymore. You don't know what normal people do. No longer do you think like them. You are a total outcast, totaly self made. Anything but the basic pleasterys with 'normal' people are impossible, and you spend most of your time bored out of your skull with few people to talk to.

Life is funny like that, thier are very few careers that cause such effects. Most of them are high security. The one I'm in doesn't start out that way, but eventualy works it's way up there. Without the realization of the person doing it. What true computer geek doesn't have his computer locked down tighter than most banks?

Hmm, I should go home, and get some sleep. But not before playing with my Macintosh, I have a little 'project' in mind :)