I saw the most disturbing movie recently. Ai.

Some things just can't be explained, watch it. If you don't break down in tears several times something is wrong with you.

Also, my little brother go married. Wow, he beat me. Oh well, I'm not into that sort of thing anyway. Too much trouble.

He has a good wife though. The rest of her family are good people. A bit diffrent from what I'm usto, but that's the spice of life.

One of his friends said something to me that interesting. He said that I felt safe, and disarming. I've never had anyone refer to me that way before. At this point I'm still not sure what to make of it.

I can understand how he came to that though.

I just finished an install about 10 min ago. Very nice girl who had a bunch of sleeping kids who I didn't wake up. She has a blue iMac :)

Everything went very well minus the connection. We kept connecting at 4800 baud. While that's cool and all, danm is it slow. First we removed the surge supressor from the phone line. That sped things up quite a bit. But it was still too slow.

Turns out she uses one of those strange devices that lets you run your phone lines through the power grid instead of having extra phone jacks. That was the root of her trouble.

I'm amazed it worked at all.

Luckely her brother works for alltel, and can wire up a real jack either free, or cheap.

Also made another mistake while I was at it. I wore my alltel hat to her house :) Oops, didn't think about it till she asked where I got it. Oh well, she didn't seem to care at all.

On the way from her house I was looking for some way to plug into the power grid. I've finaly found it! Some little place called 'The Coffee Connection'. Sadly they are not so connected. Lots of cute bits, but no internet access. Not even wireless.

In fact, nobody in the neiborhood has a wireless hub. I had to check to make sure. Nothing like hyjacking someone's internet connection for my own personal pleasure.

Not that I'm suggesting that I'd ever do that sort of thing of course. Far from it. I'm just curious to see how lazy the admins are.

Lets talk about that for a bit. People are farking lazy. Even when they shouldn't be. Bad passwords, never changing them, things so simple that a two year old could guess them.

Next time you see a security keypad take a close look at it. Almost every time you can figure out what the password is without even touching it. Either that, or narrow it down to only a few options.

Take a look around your friends computer. I bet he has several passwords written on stickey notes nearby. Quite often right on the monitor itself.

People who opearte entire networks tend to be a bit better, but not all that much. They are still lazy. They space off some of the secure bits that they could be using, ignore holes that could cause them woe, and then proclaim how secure thier domain is.

It's a load of dingo's kidneys.

A truely secure network is hard to use. Well, not so much as hard, but it takes work to use and maintain. Too lazy for that arn't you?

This is why programs give you the option to remember your passwords, or let you store secure documents on your drive. It makes it that much easyer!

The downfall. One little script kiddie comes in and then has access to your system. He's got your passwords, and anything else on your computer. But worse yet, he now has the keys to somewhere else. From there he moves on.

People are silly