Sitting at starbucks in lincon, thinking to myself, I realy hate the coffee here. They only serve one blend. And, it sucks. But, it's better than nothing. It's wet, hot, and has caffene in it. Ok, so what next?

From this point on, I'm going to tell you about why drinking water is a bad idea. Fish fuck in it, and that's just gross...

Thier happens to be some guy with a pilot sitting nearby, maby later, I'll try to beam him something ;) But I somehow dowbut that he would appricate that much. Not paying much attention to everybody, he looks nervios. Constintly fidgiting around in his seat, and makeing shure not to make eye contact with anybody in the room. Wonder why? He also likes to stroke his left ear. Been doing that quite a bit now for no apparent reason. it looks kina red, so maby it's sore.

Most of the people here are collage students, somewhat odd, because the collage is a decent distance from here. But, one person stands out he's much older. I think he's paranoid.