The story of the first time I met Pern_26

One day, soon after I started working at the coffeeshop, I was having a slow day. Not too much biz that day, but the place had only been open for about a week or so. That was to be expected.

At some point in time, an odd charecter came in, and decided to hang around the door to the kitchen. We spent a lot of time talking about everything under the sun. After about an hour of this, I ran out of things to do that would allow me to be within talking distance of him. So, I invited him in the kitchen (knowing good and well, I probably shouldn't have).

So, I started doing dishes, (they where pretty backed up). We talked about more things yet, very interesting. Suddenly, I realized that I had spoken to him before, and knew who he was (other than the fact that we had at this point basicly told part of our lifes storys to each other). We had mailed back and forth a small ammount on a BBS that I usto hang out on 'The Imperial Realm'

After discusing this, we started talking about this girl whom both of us though was interesting to say the least (note that I had never met her in person, but done a lot of emailing back and forth with her).

Eventualy, the shift came to an end. So, we went out to the parking lot, and instead of just getting in my car, and takeing off and going home, we spent from about 11:00pm till 6:00am chatting. Also, for something to do with our hands, we pushed my car around (well, kina a car, but it had a bed like a truck too). Since it was a stick, this was quite easy to do. At some point in time a few of his friends stoped by (james, and (I can't remember)). We chatted with them for quite a while, and I decied that all these people where great.

As we noticed one of my employers pulling up, we decied that takeing off would probably be a good idea.

I took him to his house not far away. We went into his house, and he told me to be quiet, because everybody else was sleeping. He showed me his computer, it was pretty cool. I suddenly heard a sound from a nearby room, just a small quiet sound, I found it's source. Turned out to be a lump under some covers in a bed. I asked who that was, and he absentmindly said something about it being his sister.

After spending way too much time up, and conversion, we crashed. Him on the couch, and I on the floor.

Woke up suddenly, with some girl looking at me. Then closed my eyes again, and tried to go back to sleep (didn't realy remember where I was). Then, a short bit later, apparently, she had made some realy good muffens. Now, if memory serves right (it's been several years), not long after, I took off (had to work).

Needless to say, the relationship worked out very well Pern_26, and I became very good friends. Another intresting note to anybody who doesn't know...his little sister turned out to be *delphi. (odd?(more on that subject later))