Today just plain kicked ass, 8 hours on a saturday ususaly drags like you wouldn't belive. But we got quite a bit of stuff done. I did a lot of updates to the Lincoln Online website. Including getting rid of the old search engine that was broken, and fucked. I replaced it with a new one that I actualy know something about. It kicks ass, and works very well. Search me baby!

Coryg was working on a killer script to make solving users problmes much easyer. cinfo, run it with the username as the commandline option, and it shows you almost all relavent information about the user on our system. It kicks ass, but has a few bugs that need to be worked out yet. Simple ones, realy just more features that haven't been fully implemented yet.

Lasertrance.mod kicks ass, even on auto repeat.

The people at the table behind me are quite annoying, and smell of pot. Pisses me off. That is one of the most useless habbits that ever existed. Why would somebody want to make themselves dumb? It's something that I just don't understand. If nothing else, it's a very expensive habbit. More so than smokeing tabacco. Heh, at least that doesn't fuck your mind up.

For some odd reason, backspace isn't working, so I'm having to use ctl+h. Heh, no big deal...that's what I have to do at work all the time. But, it ususaly works right on my notebook...odd.

Thier are a *lot* of ugly people here tonnite. Most of them look bored, and depresed. Also of intrest, everybody else here came in with somebody, or met somebody here. Except the occasional college student. For the most part, people are social creatures. Needing to be part of something. It gives them reason to go on.

I got my check today, not that it matters much. It's not like I can realy cash it at 0:39 on a sunday...It was for more than I expected though, it shure is nice to have cash in my pocket again. Also, being able to afford nice toys is a deffinite plus. I may be looking into getting a MiniDisk player soon. Tapes tend to suck.

I almost bought one of those about a year back, but instead opted for a PalmIIIx. I'm very glad I took up the latter. My PalmPro was in pretty sad shape. Heh Realy a suped up much older one. But it ran OS 2.0.3, or something like that. TCP/IP stack and all. Though with only 1 meg of ram wasn't all that usefull.

I think my hair is falling out.

Male pattern baldness does tend to run in the family, oh well. A bald head means not having to comb my hair ;)

Money, that's what it all comes down to at the end of the day. Or, at least that's what it's foreced to come down to anyway. Quite sad realy. But, then it's realy not that big deal to long as I have enough to survive, and get toys now and then. Then comes the issue of work...

I either love it, or I hate it. Thier is rarely a middle ground. IN rocks, I would work thier for peanuts, just because I love it so much. Heh, but you will never hear me say that in RL. In RL, I'd say that I realy need a raise, just because I kick so much ass. I mean, who else there can install a search engine on a webpage? I'm talking about a totaly self contained search engine. Heh...I know a little about everything. And, if I don't know enough...I figure it out quite quickly. Thier must be a strong desire to learn in this line of work. I have a 'need' to know. I must contine to learn, otherwise I become lazy.

That's the thing that pisses me off with users. They don't want to learn. They want everything just handed to them on a fucking silver plater. As if thier measly monthly payment entitles them to us kissing thier asses. It doesn't. As far as I'm concerned they are little 2 year olds who can barely talk. Quite often it's pretty much true. You ask them what version of windows they are running, and they reply netscape. You ask them what version of netscape they are running, and they respond windows98. Gesh! I just don't understand these people. They don't seem to pay any attention. You ask them what thier username is, and the answer realy varries...from thier real name, to thier passwd, to something else. Then quite often they just say 'what is that?'. Gesh, when they connect to the net it shows it to them...every fucking time. You think they would actualy read what's on the screen. Heh, that's also probably why my pages doesn't get that many return visits. Because people don't care to read. They want pretty fucking pictures to click on. HAH! That is such a lame joke that it's not even funny. Users suck.

But, we need them. We need them to be stupid, and mindless. If they weren't, I would be out of a job ;) When I walk a patularly worthless user through something, I just remember that it's because of people like this that I have an income. The world is truly sad.

One woman I helped out today just didn't get with the program. I told her to go to 'tools' on the menubar. Heh, she claimed that she didn't have a menubar. FUCK! How do you explain such a basic thing to somebody? It's like trying to explain what water is. If you don't get it, you never will.

Then we have the users who think they know what they are doing, and realy don't. They also suck. Quite often just plain fucking shit up toying with it. Calling in again, and again to have us fix thier mess. We're not a fucking babysitting service for 40 year olds. That's just assine to think about.

Moving on to a better explanation of not understanding english. You ask them what thier problem is, and quite often they say it's something that it's not. You diagnose it, and notice that everything looks right. Thinking what's the problem here...suddenly they mention something else. You know exactly what it is now. Why couldn't they have told you that 5 min ago!? Here's a good example.

'I can't get my mail'

'What error message are you getting'

'The server is not responding'

At this point, the settings in OE are checked, and they look valid

'Ok, reboot, and try it again'

'Ok' *click*

The phone rings again...(it's never that easy)

'That didn't help'

'Same error'

'Yep, your service sucks'

'Relax sir, we'll get this resolved'

'ya'll better bitch!'

'Does OE connect you to the internet?'

'You mean I have to do that to get my email!?'

'Yes' *move reciver from mouth, giggle*

'Ok, I'll try it again...bye'

That's the jist of it. Users just don't understand. They don't want to understand. They don't care. If they did, they wouldn't bother me so much.

Before I started working on this file, I spent about 2 hours reading random man pages...what else is thier to do when bored? I can only play so much nethack. And, it's not like I've got network access at the moment...though I do have eth0 working. It's just not pluged into anything right now.

Internet access at work is so fast that I never want to leave. I usualy don't till somebody points out to me that I've been off the clock for a while home I'm stuck on a 14.4 connection. This is mostly due to the phone lines, but partaly to my own choosing. My 56k modem works, but it's unstable as hell. I can get upto 5kps download speeds. But with all the timeouts, it's just not usable.

Access at work is just so fast that I never want to want an mp3, boom. You want a page? Boom. Thier is little to no waiting. It just makes my 14.4 connection at home hurt that much more. Heh, at least I'm a console jocky. All those pretty pictures, and icons are for inbred retards who never bothered to learn to read. They let even the most dumbest of people use a computer. But for what? To surf the web at 56kbps? LOL! A 25mhz box would do that job very well. But, would that be enough for them? Nope, they have to have the biggest, and the best. 600mhz, or more. Just to render some stupid graphics.

Windows is just a tool used for casteration.

I love to hear these 'leet assed hax0rs brag about how killer thier system is, espicaly when they are running win98. LOL! I can kill that with a mere thought. Well, basicly anyway. Unstable, and insecure. I still wonder how it ever became the 'indrustry standard'. That just makes no sence to me.

Danm it's late, I sould clear out from here, I have to do stuff tommorow :(