Today just plain kicked ass. It went very smooth, and quick. I even hung around for an extra half hour just because it was going so well! Course, then mikeb noted that I've been off the clock for quite a while...I was like...Yah, I know :)

But I was just having so much fun! A couple nasty calls came it, but nothing I can't handle. Heh, I laugh when they yell (in my head anyway). As will said...bill 'em all, and let god sort 'em out. It's not my problem if they can't afford our dirt cheap service. My only concern is that it works, and they pay.

We had that one user call again, you know the one. The real idiots. They asked if they could also use msn. Gesh! These guys have AOL also...why do they even bother with the real thing (us)? I think they would be much better off with just using AOL, they can bother thier tech support...not me. And, the other odd thing is that I've logged most of this persons calls. It's just so mind bogolng.

Then of course we had some realy good calls come it too. Most notably the guy who sells fishing stuff. He's a realy nice guy, and think the world of me because I hooked him up with cuteftp. It's a nice program, but danm! I had to do something with his .forward file. No biggie, but just a cool guy to deal with.

It's those few rare gems that make it all worth while.

On to other things, now works! Go for it, it's all mine baby! Luckely dotster was running a special when I got it was cheap. I'm going to get it painted on the back of my truck monday. Maby I'll actualy get more hits that way. Or, maby nobody will care...who knows. If nothing else it will make me feel 'leet ;) (hehe).

I think pauls going to get He's got this thing for transformers realy bad (aparently). That's pretty cool, but hella long to type out.

I was alerted to something else of intrest today. Some website (that I will place a link to later) that happens to have listings for people you went to school with. Oddly enough, like 4 people that I went to school with where listed. How odd, and I remember who they where also. Two of them got married, and the other two seem yet single. I sent emails to the single ones, mostly because I thought they where a lot nicer than the other two anyway.

Course, one of them who will remain nameless was actualy a majorly snobby bitch in just made me want her more :) I've never understood that, but life in general is pretty complex. I wonder if I'll ever get the hang of it.

This chair happens to be broke. It's kinna annoying me...oh well.

Thier is the most entertaining group sitting at the next table. A slew of guys, and a girl from .au. Wonderfull accent, and seems to have a great sence of humor. They guys keep asking her dumb questions...'what's diffrent', what's so wierd about .au, just a bunch of pointless things like that.

Apparently she's a foren exchange student. Or, at least that's the best conclusion I can come to anyway. The group is quite entertaining to watch. I'm ending up spending most of my time just doing that. It's an odd group to say the least. Suddenly the conversation turns to how she so wants to see a tornado. Heh, that will definitly be an experience for her. Then for no apparent reason it moves to rap music. Again it goes back to 'do an american accent!, do an american accent!'. Gesh. They did that about 20 min ago...