As I said before, and I will say again. I catch anybody fucking around with my sister, or any of my female freinds. Thumbs will be broken. As of this point, I need to track down another one. He wil be sorry. Heh, I wish I could just remove the offending part. You know, but that would get me into quite a bit of trouble.

A broken thumb, no big deal. Hell, for all anyone else knows he slamed the car door on it.

I'll also say again that I realy dislike guys in general. Way to concerned with sex, and not with the things that matter. Course this goes for quite a few girls as well. But, they tend to be a bit more carefull who they rub bits of flesh with. They have a lot more to luse from it.

These people just sicken me to no end. I want them out of the gene pool ASAP. Too bad that sort of thing is aganst the law. Maby one day...nah. The .gov likes these people. They reproduce very quickly, and belive all the .gov's lies. It's people like me the .gov hates. The people who question. Who dig into it to see what's realy going on. Find thier hidden agenda. Everybody has n ajenda.

Ignore the fact that I just can't spell. I'm not in the most comfterble place to be typeing. Also ignore me if I rant. It's a long story. One you will never hear.

Do those people reealy have to sit directly in front of the TV? Teaches bad habbits to thier kids. "Burn your eyes out", my mother usto say. Hehe, now I sit directly in front of a monitor all day, every day. That's probably no better for me. Worse realy.

Though as of late, I've been using my notebooks crappy screen. It's a lot easyer on the eyes. Doesn't give me headaches likea normal monitor does. That is a normal monitor running in a rez that's a bit to high.

All this MSN crap on TV. Shit service, not worth the trouble. Also not that cheap either. The guy gets to yelling by the end of the comercial. Shows how pathetic micro$oft has gotten in it's old age. Heh, thier rein of terror should be overwith shortly though. They are gonna get fucked by the .gov. I hope anyway.

Oh, I'm getting a new tire, as adam sugested. I could get a set, but I'm a tight wad. Can't justify the cost till something breaks. That whole way of life may change some day. But probably not.

I still have yet to get my new notebook. All this waiting makes me so ansi. I just want it now ;) It's not much better than what I currently have, but anything has got to be an improvement. Color, and another 12 megs of ram being the only real gain. I just pray that it's got a decent keyboard.

Thier is a girl who works here that actualy fits the preportions of barbie (tm). One of my old roomates usto spend a lot of time in the sack with her. Hmm, not too good in my taste though. Breasts that size are just asking for suffoction. Not to mention her being about 7' tall. Gesh, insane.

Time for a smokie treat.