I just had the strangest dream that I think is possible. It made no sence, but caried on a good storyline at the same time. It was very fucked up.

It starts out, I get some email from delphi, that's not so good. So, don and I decide to drive his car down there. One the way, I get an email from somebody else. And old crush I usto have in high school. At some point in time I stop at a courthouse to pay my taxes, and find out that somebody else already did. I say "um, ok, just gimme a recipt".

Don and I get lost on the way to where where going. Take a wrong turn here, take another one there. Then suddenly where driving realy fast down this bridge that's not at all stable. The bridge gives out. We louse it, and the car starts to fall. I grab onto one of the ropes that just happend to be dangeling near my window. Don also grabs onto it. Not long after, we get sucked out of the car. Oh, it's also realy dark. We fall for a bit more, then the rope gets snug. We stop falling. Looking down, we see the river, and lots of chunks of wood in it. We drop ourselves down onto the wood that just happens to support us.

After standing around for a while deciding what the hell we where going to do about it, a guy in a helecopter/spaceship (not shure which) shoes up, and offers to pull the car out for us. After we explain our small problem. When the car gets pulled out, it's missing the roof.

Don and I go to the mall, to meet with delphi. For some strange reason we keep seeing people that look like her, but arn't. We get realy confused. I decide to plug into a phone jack, and check my mail. I get another letter from that other girl.

So, I leave don to take care of delphi, and arange some way for us to get back, he mumbles something about having mike bobtail here later next week.

In the email, she goes on about how she's been wanting to get ahold of me for the longest time. Ironicly enough, she wanted me to stop by where she had moved to. It was close enough to walk from where I currently was. Very strange.

So, I begin my 5 mile walk. It's realy wet, and thier are huge mudpuddles everywhere. At one point in time I was forced to walk/swim in like 4 feet of water. And, in my head the entire time I'm thinking "Don't let the pilot drown!". Soon as I get out of that section of water, I pull up my pilot, and it's just fine. Sitting in a hex editor, right where I left it.

I get to her appartment, and she and a few friends are sitting outside at a picnic table chatting. We chat a little bit, and then she pulls out a keyboard, and starts typeing. Now, when I say a keyboard, I don't mean one of those stupid x86 type jobies. I'm talking the real thing. I wyse keyboard with like 20 function keys. I note that thier is not wyse terminal hooked up to it. Strikes me as a bit odd...to say the least. So, I just watch her fingers as she types. It's a note to me. Very subtle. I once in a while shake my head, or nod deppending on my thoughts. And, she smiles at times.

The meat of the message, was bascily an offer to spent the night with her. We get up from the table, she bids her friends farewell, and walks twards a big dark building. I follow. Suddenly she turns, and starts running. The chase ensues. Not the type of chase where one person is trying to get away from the other, but more of a playfull type. We dodge through this wierd neiborhood that reminds me of dewitt more than you can imagine. Strangly enough, the path we where takeing almost perfectly fit part of the paperroute I had when I was like 10. I knew all the little secrets here. And they worked. Lift this bored in some guys garage, and you can cut through the block much quicker. Jump over this fence, and cut a corner. Just dumb time savers.

After what seems like hours, we get to her appartment. She motions over to the bed, and I get in. Snuggling up to the warm bedcloths (after first disrobing appropriatly). Moments later she jumps in on the other side, and starts to read some of the things she's writtin. I calmly lay next to her, and listen to what she's saying, paying attention to every detail. Not to mention her voice.

The topic was a bit odd, not the sort of thing that two people of the oposite sex in bed wearing nothing but thier undergarments would be talking about. It was about living in space. She was going on about how when we where in school, everybody was going on about how spacetravel, and living there would be so comonplace in the year 2000. I agreed that we had been lied to. After a while she finished reading the papers, and droped them off the side of the bed.


Suddenly in reality I wake up. I'm like WHA!? This can't be it, this is like the first dream with a girl in it I've had in a *LONG* time! Bitch! So, I go back to sleep wanting to dream to continue where it left off.

It does, kinda. It's turned more into one of those videos from elementary school where they show people living, and working in space. The sets look like they where made out of lego's. Not long after that, I wake up in reality again. Then I go over to my wonderfull friend, and roomate, and procide to tell him about it. Pretty much just the realy high/low points. As to make it a very short story (as it's not). Then we get to the here and now, where you find me typeing this file into my computer.

I hope this one doesn't come true!