
Lie, is thier a meaning (I shure as hell don't see one!)? If thier is a point, or is it the one with the most toys wins?

The most inproant things in my life are sex, power, and more sex!

Why are people so rude?

I can have anything I want, money is no object. But the one thing I want most I cannot have! WHY!?

I talk to her, and I can't even get the time of day, I try very hard to make her happy.

She has the most bueatifual eyes, like stars in the night, and ehr personality is places as a babling brook, ***** is wonderfull, a dream come true. But something has gone wrong life is pointless without someone to take care of, to do things for, to cook, coean, and just be ther to talk to. ***** is the most amazing perosn I have ever met, ??????, yet storng, mentaly stable (too bad I can't say the same for myself) She is smart, yet foolish at the same time. Such bueaty, I should not be allowd to see such wonders.

The evil one has been upto tricks again, how I would love to tear it's evil heart out with my bear hands, and brun it. flush the baby down the toilet. using an axe, cutting body parts off, or up as nessary, it should all flush pretty easily.

I'm glad my prioritys have changes ;)